18/03/2010 by Claudia Phares

After 100s of emails between the web guy and I, and a few fistfuls of pulled hair, I can proudly say the latest version of my website is finally finished, up and running!I tried no to get too distracted when this website was being “under construction”. The solution was to stay busy: I had a show to prepare for and its opening to attend. In the end, things panned out well: the installation for the show Embodiment: Fashion, Image, & Art  at the Guildforg Lane Gallery happened smoothly and the opening went well. Friends, family, and supporters dropped by for which I was very grateful. Tonight, I will be heading back to the gallery to give a talk about my project. My first ever talk. Here are the images I’ve displayed for the show: Here’s how it looked on the wall:

14/03/2010 by Claudia Phares

The opening on Thursday night for the “Embodiment: Fashion, Image and Art” at the Guildford Lane Gallery turned out well. I had the chance to meet with the other artists and catch up with friends. The feedback was constructive for this show which was significantly different to what I presented in the past. These were the images I used for the current exhibit:

14/02/2010 by Claudia Phares

I had participated to the “Power of Self” which was an online competition hosted by Artists Wanted where the participants submitted a series of self-portraits. There was a public vote and a judging panel vote. I am thankful for all the votes I’ve received from friends and contacts, even if I didn’t get selected. To see the winner and the honourable mentions (where a couple of Melbourne artists were featured), click here.

Here was the portfolio I had submitted.

31/12/2009 by Claudia Phares

Here we are, on New Year’s Eve. The great thing about this time of the year is to look back and contemplate the soon-to-be last year’s highs and not-so highs. In terms of photographic projects I had completed, I can think of a few things I’ve done which turned out well. First and foremost, this website is worth mentioning as a highlight. It is my first and not my last, as there is always room for improvements. Throughout the year, I added a few more portraits to my ongoing self-portrait collection one of which, Fitzroy Gothic, made the shortlist for the Head On 2009 competition.

I also participated in a collaboration with my friend and photographer Bronwen Hyde where we succeeded in getting our shot done in spite of the curious and intrigued looks of footie fans walking through the Fitzroy Gardens! It turned out well and I presented it as a diptych entitled Amistad. I wanted to show how friendship exist regardless of physical distance between the individuals, as I believed it is based on the nature of the bond.

For a change of scenery, I took part of the Bicycle Film Festival 2009 as a photographer for the opening night event where art and bicycle culture attracted a beautiful and energetic crowd.

1/10/2009 by Claudia Phares

For the second year in a row, I’ve collaborated as a photographer for the “Northside Ladies Bicycle Calendar” project. Jay Rayner, the creator of the NLBC, came up with this calendar idea 2 years ago as there were no calendars featuring portraits of women and bicycles on the market. Emerging photographers and local models were scouted and the shoots were conducted in Melbourne. Jay is great to work with as he gives the photographers carte blanche when it comes to styling the shoots. This year’s calendar has only black and white photos. It was a change from my current body of work which is mostly done in colors. The artistic challenge for my part was to think in black and white mode. I had sketched out a few ideas, some of which turned out well in practice. Melbourne is not short of outdoor locations to shoot. It boils down to light and interesting backgrounds. The following shots were not the strongest as there was little depth in the first photo and in the second on, the subject is practically blending with the background and the bike is hardly visible.

The following 3 were chosen because the composition was better. The candid effect in the 3rd image made this one interesting as well as the fact the image was shot on a rainy night, which enabled another dimension to the image with the subject being reflected in the puddle.